

Cooperative dedicated to providing trainings for Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) professoinals. Site done using WordPress, theme customization, megamenus, CSS, Javascript, plugin customization, user login features, forms.


Project E3 simplifies and shares scientific journals that relate to improving outcomes in underserved communities. Website done with WordPress, theme customization, CSS, Javascript, PHP customization, plugin customization, forms.


PEQATAC provides trainings and evaluation for VR Professionals. Site uses WordPress, theme customization, CSS, Javascript, PHP customization, plugin customization, forms.


Website for technical assistance center with log in and private features done using WordPress, theme customization, CSS, Javascript, PHP customization, plugin customization, forms.


Organization that aims to help victims of domestic violence through emergency help and education. Site done using Joomla, custom css and javascript.

Mary's Clean Team

One-page website for cleaning business done with HTML, SCSS, Javascript and SVGs.


Design is everywhere. I'm constantly reminded about the importance of design in our lives. Ever since I read The Design of Everyday things, I constantly analyze how the world provides (and doesn't) desing experiences. As a minority and having worked with people with disabilities, I understand the importance of inclusion in design. I believe accessible design is design.

I graduated in Design and Communications from UW-Milwaukee. I continue to learn new skills on my own.